We finally did it y’all! We got a new car! We’ve been wanting to get a new car for quite some time now, and finally bit the bullet. The Camry has been a fantastic car for us (and still is), but within the past couple of months, we’ve had to change the alternator and the throttle body (thank goodness for a husband who can fix things). When those things go out, we have to rely on others to help us out. We are so thankful that we have wonderful friends living here in Florida that are willing to help us out! We decided though, that it would be a good time to get another car. We’ve been looking at the Toyota RAV4 for about a year now, so we already knew what we wanted when we went in. After test driving it, we were pretty set. All we had to do was pick out the color, but I already had that figured out too. 😉
Having another car in our lives has been amazing so far. The husband has a pretty random schedule right now, so it’s been nice not to have to plan around him when I want to get out of the house and do things. The only thing we have to do now is get another copy of the house key. Someone lost their copy around here somewhere… *cough cough the husband*.
The husband has mentioned before that he wants to name one of our kids “Rav” (I’d like to think he was kidding, but I’m not entirely sure on this one), but let’s be real, that wasn’t going to happen. So like a good married couple, we compromised and named our new car “Rav”. Fitting right?? AND since the car is now named Rav, it would be unfair to name our child that… Darn the luck!
Here are a couple pictures of Rav, the beautiful car we’ve welcomed into our family!